Facebook quietly launches New Feature: "Pick Your Best Friends

Who are your favourite Facebook friends? The social network will soon encourage you to decide.

It has quietly rolled out a new feature to a limited number of users which makes sure they never miss an update from a specific group of friends.

By clicking on a "See First" button on someone's profile, a Facebook user can ensure that they always see posts and updates from that person at the top of their News Feed.

It's Facebook's latest attempt to improve the feed, which is managed using an algorithm to filter out less relevant content.

A spokesman said: "We are always exploring new ways to improve the Facebook experience, and are currently running a small test of a feature that lets you indicate that you’d like to see posts from a specific person or page at the top of your News Feed."

Last year Facebook allowed users to instantly mute a friend's updates without them knowing and without unfriending.

Earlier this year the social network tweaked its algorithms to show more content in the News Feed from personal friends, rather than the pages of 'liked' brands and news organisations.

It has also started to take into account how long a user spends on a clicked link on the site to reduce the amount of so-called clickbait being posted.

Credit: Facebook


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