EMU Rector, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Y. Öztoprak Deserves to Stay!! [OPINION]

Effective governance is essential to any successful organization; it is the process whereby persons entrusted with the future of an organization exercise oversight. Closely related to governance is compliance — adhering to policies, rules, and regulations. Organizations stray into trouble (legal or otherwise) when they fail to execute these duties properly.

Compliance means more than just following the rules. It means adhering to the highest standards of ethical and honest behavior, proper and efficient management of the organization’s resources, and maintaining accountability of leadership and workers. Thus, these two concepts — governance and compliance — are closely related. Governance provides the expectations for proper behavior, and compliance delivers on that behavior.

When there is reduced or no accountability, individuals lose alignment with the organization’s goals and future. Personal priorities begin to emerge as senior to organizational priorities. Failure to meet goals and objectives, if they are even established, no longer creates pressure to improve. People do what they want to do, rather than what they must do. Such a job can seem like the best job in the world, because when one succeeds, it’s doing what one wants to do, and when one fails, there is no one there to keep score.

Leadership is a gift — a privilege to serve, not to be served with privilege. Never confuse political fluency with effectiveness. Never confuse celebrities with true heroes. They are very distinct — pursuit of one rarely yields the other.

The free and fair election, of 83% votes, which won the present Rector of EMU his present position,is about to be thwarted or bring to an untimely end by the Government. Looking into it critical, this action will have an impact on the International Students of EMU who stands to loose tentatively all the present benefits they enjoy from the current school administrators.

It is important that we list out some of the achievement of the present Rector.

- The 50% Scholarship for all International Students
- The Sports Scholarship
- The increase in population of students within a period of 4 years [15,000 International Students 2014/2015] and others.

There is a saying that "an angel at hand is worth 2 in the bush" [sic] which loosely translates to "A good man at home is better than another or more outside". EMU Rector, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Y. Öztoprak has been accommodating to all International Students which has also seen a rise in Artists collaboration with the Nigerian students bodies and Event promoters. A good environment creates clear ambiance for serenity and creative development of International Students. EMU Rector, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Y. Öztoprak made all these possible and more.

This is very important as the future of the 50% scholarship is at stake. The RECTOR deserves to stay and finish his term.

Prof Dr. Abdullah Y. Öztoprak was appointed as the Rector of the Eastern Mediterranean University on 15 October 2009. Prof. Dr. Öztoprak finished his undergraduate (1973) and doctoral degree (1977) studies at the University of London and has been working in Eastern Mediterranean University since 1986. As well as his expertise in the field of electrical and electronics engineering, Professor Dr. Öztoprak has extensive knowledge and experience in the academic and administrative areas. He first took administrative posts in England, then in EMU and has been an administrator at different levels at the University for many years. He was the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs from 1992 to 2003, when the university flourished the most.

True leaders must be visionaries; this is one talent that cannot be contracted out. True leaders do not state a goal unless they possess the vision to achieve it. True leaders never tolerate mediocrity. B-leaders tolerate B-players; they confuse being liked with being effective. True leaders never tolerate insubordination; they insist on mutual respect. True leaders are committed to continuous learning and improvement. True leaders generate assets, not consume them. True leaders embrace change and continuously experiment with possibilities. True leaders provide for their own succession planning. True leaders subordinate their ego to the mission.

Effective governance creates the demand for true leadership; it is the ultimate guarantor of organizational success.

International Center
Eastern Mediterranean University


  1. What do u expect when more than thousands new students gain admission. Anarchy

  2. He's the best. Out of all business politika

  3. Democracy should prevail
    Election results should stand.


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