CIU: Field trip to the Nicosia Industrial Zone by future designer students of CIU

Students of the CIU Department of Industrial Product Design made a technical field trip in the Nicosia Industrial Zone last week. During the visit, which was organized as part of the “Material and Production” and “Wood Technology in Design” courses, students visited the factories of Işıl Reklam (marketing/publicity company), Demirbağ Mobilya (furniture manufacturer), and Denizalp Alüminyum (aluminum brand).

Under the guidance of Hanife Yıldız Peyravi, administrator of the courses and Instructor with the Department of Industrial Product Design, students were given the opportunity to find out about the process of production of materials such as wood, metal, acrylic and staron. Students were also able to observe up close how the CNC Laser functions as well as how other cutting machinery, drilling, banding, lining, dyeing and pressing machinery works.

The aim of the trip was to emphasize the importance of knowledge and experience with materials for the engineering and design education program. The students later presented the information that they had obtained and prepared reports.

Speaking of the field trip, Lecturer Hanife Yıldız Peyravi said “The cooperation established between CIU and the industry is enabling our students to increase their knowledge of the course with practical experience. The cooperation scheme is also enabling our students to integrate the acquired know-how in the process of design, and thus equipping them efficiently for their careers.”

Credit: CIU


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