A lack of sleep can having a devastating impact on your body - and Love Life

We have all gone to school and work feeling like a zombie after having not been able to sleep the night before thanks to a whirlwind of regrets and irrelevant thoughts racing through our mind.

Recent reports suggest that anyone who gets less than six hours sleep is four times more likely to get a cold.

Experts revealed that sleep deprivation quadruples the chances of falling ill with the sniffles and stressed that seven hours sleep each night should be the target for a health body and mind.

But how else does a lack of sleep affect us? Aside from looking like an extra from the Walking Dead, does this cause us any damage?

Yahoo Health, Shalini Paruthi MD, revealed that those who have less than six hours sleep a night can find themselves having a harder time concentrating, making decisions and remembering things.

Headaches also plague those who do not sleep enough hours while people's ability to react quickly, either mentally or physically, is hugely impacted.

Dr Paruthi said: "There are multiple studies that show being deprived — even if it’s four hours of sleep — can make someone have the same reaction time as someone who is driving under the influence. Driving while sleep-deprived is the equivalent of driving drunk."

According to Yahoo Health, recent research showed that having less than five hours sleep can make people more stressed, sad and angry.

This can leak into your love life, causing more arguments with your partner and less tolerance, patience and ability to resolve the conflict.

Credit: Yahoo Health


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