"Nigerian Performers and Entertainers in Cyprus Hate Criticism" - Miss Chipo Faith-Grace Biti
Chipo Faith-Grace Biti, student of Eastern Mediterranean University was our online personality for the 'ON DA HOT SEAT' interactive program. Best known for her blog the Chronicles of EveryWoman, Author of the book Orchestrated, and Founding Editor of the ISSEU Magazine, Miss Chipo whose full native name is Chipochashe it means "Gift from God". Chipo on its own means "Gift"did justice to the questions meted out to her.
In her words, 'I'm a blogger, a writer, editor in Chief of an online magazine. I love to help people, inspire them and encourage them. I'm a lover of chicken, lol. and bacon. First source of guidance and motivation for me is God. He uses different people to give me direction, my family, my friends, even strangers'
Answering questions fielded to her on a wide range of issues, Miss Chipo pointed out that 'I think it''s awesome that people[Nigerian performers in Cyprus] are expressing their talent. I do believe that we need more performers, to keep the scene lively and also for healthy competition.
One thing I've noticed is performers here don't take criticism well, and that's dangerous because how is one meant to write a review if you're going to blast them in 1001 different places? But overall, kudos to them. It would be nice if the nationalities diversified. but it's happening. more performers from different countries are rising up. i look forward to where that will go'
Miss Chipo also has a thing to say about the multiplicity of churches, whether it has done more harm than good? She answered Blogger Scanty Gela 'An increase in churches is a great thing, makes it easier for one to find a church that suits them best. But the harm has come in through the division caused by churchgoers. Churches throwing shade at each other. Instead of focusing on what really matters, God and reaching out to the world, we're too busy saying "my church is better than yours"'
To read more of Miss Chipo's answers to more questions, Click Here.
On Da HOT SEAT with...A new interactive students program for Students and others to directly ask some remarkable personalities on the Island pertinent questions that has been bothering us or we need more clarity on.
YOU, the interviewer have the total control to ask **any' questions to these personalities which they must respectfully answer.
**By 'any', we mean questions like:
1.personal questions
2.professional questions
3.informational questions
WE CANNOT ALLOW: Any racial, sexual or derogative questions, under no circumstances. Keep it intelligent and fun.
AS USUAL, the Online interactive will take place on the Elite Forum on Facebook, Click to gain Access.
Don't forget to be patient and wait for your question to be answered...
yes dats ma gurl