How To Be Positive

1. Don’t React, ‘Choose’ to Respond.

There is no need whatsoever to bounce through life constantly reacting to the things that happen to you. You can choose exactly how to respond. Become aware of that small period of time where you have a choice. For example, you get up in the morning and you stub your toe. You can ‘react’ negatively: “oh no, I'm such an idiot…ow, ow, ow. Today is going to be such a bad day!” (sounds familiar right?). However, you can choose your response: “how funny, it makes me slightly peeved when I do that but if I'm honest it didn't hurt that much….time for breakfast. Wonderful!” This may take a little practice and I promise it will change your life.

2. Be Thankful as Often as Possible

I have written about this topic many times recently and it really is a very simple way to be more positive. You have so many things to be grateful for as long as you are honest with yourself. Focusing on all of the things that you are grateful for is an amazing way to feel even better if you are in a good mood and a rapid way to go from angry to positive.

3. Move Positively!

This particular information changed my life and it has changed the lives of anyone that has been touched by it. If you aren't feeling positive or confident, start to act like it and the feelings will follow suit. Force that smile on your face, puff your chest up and throw your shoulders back and be amazed by what happens. Even if it feels silly and you start laughing at yourself…it’s worked because you’re laughing.

4. Avoid Comparisons with other People

Comparing yourself to others can often be a fast track to feeling negative. Each time you notice that there is something different about you you will begin to focus on it and it will bring you down. Spend your time focusing on how you are always looking to become an even better version of yourself and you will be more positive.

5. Stay Present

I once heard an amazing expression from the Director of a company that I used to work for, he said “If you live with one foot in the past and one foot in the future, you are running the risk of urinating on the present!” Whilst this may not be a very pleasant analogy it gets the message across didn't it? If you are letting your thoughts move into the past or the future too often you will let your head drop and become negative. Bring yourself into the present moment and appreciate :).

6. Focus on What you Want

We have all seen the infant proudly carrying their beaker filled with drink, a big smile on their face, having no problems with it whatsoever. Then the parent says “Don’t spill it!” and wham, the drink goes everywhere. The parent and consequently, the child have started to focus on what they don’t want. Can you guess what happens if you think “I don’t want to be negative, I don’t want to be fat, I don’t want to be broke”? Focusing on what you want will get you more of what you want and as a beautiful by-product you will be more positive.

7. Fail Forward

Failure is once again something that produces a positive or negative response based on the choices that you make. Failure can only produce a negative reaction if you choose to see it as final. However, you can let it produce a positive, excited response in a similar way to the great Thomas Edison by realising that each temporary defeat is taking you closer to the ultimate goal. View each ‘failure’ as positive fuel to thrust you towards success and a negative reaction will not be possible. I genuinely wish you the positive daily life that you can create for yourself. Follow the steps above that work for you and mix it with your own ideas that will make a real difference. You can click the picture below to read about my e-book ‘How to be More Positive’



  1. Wao nice write up Scanty Gela so motivating and inspirational kudos to you

  2. Am motivated, the world needs women of valour like you. Keep it up.


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