Near East University İrfan Günsel Research Centre will be facilitating Environmental Training

Starting from the academic year 2014-2015, Irfan Günsel Research Centre will be making its mark through facilitating social responsibility projects aiming to improve the awareness of primary and secondary students.

According to the press info release from the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of Near East University, Environmental Training and Management Specialist, and Biologist Nazım Kaşot, who is a researcher at the İrfan Günsel Reserach Centre, made a statement about the matter and expressed that litter collection campaigns alone were not sufficient enough to reduce and eliminate the litter in the environment. In this regard, Kaşot emphasized that to sustain a clearer environment; the second most effective method was to provide environmental training.

As part of the environmental program which will be facilitated, Kaşot stressed that they were to provide widespread training on environmental issues, that they had developed certain materials to be used within these training and that these materials were going to be distributed to the students during the training sessions.

He added that during the training sessions, they were aiming for students to be participatory rather than being simple ‘receivers’ at the training sessions. Moreover, Kaşot added that they were currently finalising the necessary arrangements with the Ministry of National Education to get the relevant permits, and that they, as the İrfan Günsel Research Centre, were thrilled to be making a contribution to a significant matter as part of a social responsibility project.

Once the procedures are completed, the pilot of the environmental trainings will be initiated at the local schools in Nicosia. Kaşot ended his words by expressing special thanks to Near East University, Head of İrfan Günsel Research Centre and Head of Department of Science of Near East College Cem Hami, for their full support in actualizing this social responsibility project.


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