GAU!: Serhat Akpinar : “Our Vision is Peace and Health”

The 30th year Opening Ceremony which is to be held after the announcement of the 2014-2015 academic year as the "Global Peace and Health" year with the decision of the GAU Senate; will be attended by the President Dr. Derviş Eroğlu, Turkish Ambassador of Lefkoşa; Halil İbrahim Aka, Minister of Public Works and Transportation - Hasan Taçoy, Minister of National Education - ;zdemir Berova, District Governor of Girne - Mehmet Envergil, together with other Ministers, GAU Head of the Board of Trustees – Memduh Erdal, GAU Founding Rector and Chancellor of the Board - Serhat Akpınar, GAU CEO and Vice Chancellor of the Board - Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi and Vice Chancellors - Olgun Üstün, Cemile Esenyel, Vice Rector - Prof. Dr. Sadık Ülker, GAU Global Science Family and students.

GAU Founding Rector and Chancellor of the Board - Serhat Akpınar made important statements regarding the GAU 30th year opening ceremony and the announcement of the 2014-2015 academic year as "Global Peace and Health" year by the GAU Senate.

Cyprus is to be the center of attention in means of Peace and Health
Akpınar who reminded that GAU declared the 2014-2015 academic year as "Peace and Health" to support and contribute to the process of turning the strategic nodes position which feeds from the diplomatic crisis, problems and instability of Cyprus - Mediterranean Basin and the Middle East geography to the island of peace status; stated that GAU has left 29 years behind in education with this vision and the mission of raising future opinion leaders.

Akpınar has drawn attention to the Diplomatic School which will train future opinion leaders and diplomats that will accomplish important work on behalf of the Country’s peace and peace in the region and underlined that they will realize their vision of Cyprus being the international center in the field of education and health by commencing important projects in aviation, maritime and also health sciences fields with the opening of the 30th academic year.

GAU to once again lead the way with Microlight Training Craft.
Akpınar, who pointed out that they interconnected the tradition and future by giving the “Vecihi Hürkuş” name who is one of the leaders in Turkish aviation history to the new Aviation Administration building with the 30th year opening ceremony, stated that they made a difference in the aviation field with the new GAU microlight training tools which are included with the aviation education and underlined GAU broke new ground with the new training aircraft and tools

Akpınar stated that the GAU Aviation and Pilotage Faculty building which is to be laid in 2015 within the scope of GAU Beşparmak Project, will open its wings to the future with the name of "Vecihi Hürkuş" and stressed that GAU aims to contribute to the TRNC being one of the most important countries in the field of Aviation and Pilotage training.

Peace and Health Year will be a Productive year for both our Country and Internationally
Akpınar, who stated that the year of Peace and Health will be a year with important developments on behalf of the Turkish Cypriot community and the international community, emphasized that unilateral withdrawal of South Cyprus affects the peace process adversely and further added to his words that GAU will continue its scientific productions for 2015 to bring peace and health in particular to the Turkish Cypriot community and in general to world society on the basis of social and communal responsibility.

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