The University of Kyrenia has left its mark on IFTE 2014

The University of Kyrenia participated in the International Flight Training Exhibition (IFTE) that held in İstanbul on October 17-18, 2014. IFBE is the only and most comprehensive civil aviation training exhibition of Turkey and the region. IFTE 2014 is hosting over 120 different types of aviation related businesses, airlines, aircraft manufacturers, flight simulator companies, aviation and flight training schools along with many other aviation related businesses, organizations, lobbyists, and spokespeople. As its aviation and pilot training programs are geared towards providing quality education for students all across the globe, the University of Kyrenia has put the wheels in motion and secured a booth for IFTE 2014. It will be a great opportunity to continue to establish cooperation with aviation related businesses participated in the International Flight Training Exhibition held in Istanbul Convention Center. The participation of the University of Kyrenia in such a unique international event has been greatly appreciated by Public Works and Transport Minister Hasan Taçoy and the senior protocol, who also participated in IFTE 2014.

The second IFTE event was held with a vast international participation at the Istanbul Convention Center on October 17-18, 2014.

According to the press release from the Directorate of Press and Public Relations Office of the University of Kyrenia, the Public Works and Transport Minister Hasan Taçoy and the Republic of Turkey Civil Aviation General Director Bilal Ekşi visited the booth of the University of Kyrenia.

Sümer Garip, the Managing Director of Pilotage Department of the University of Kyrenia, gave a warm welcome to Minister Taçoy and the General Director Bilal Ekşi and delivered detailed information about the booth and the University of Kyrenia. Sümer Garip also extended his thanks to the Civil Aviation General Director Bilal Ekşi for his contributions to the University of Kyrenia during its establishment and introduction process.

Sümer Garip stated that they made all necessary attempts relevant to enabling students studying for a pilot license to obtain their medical certificate required for pilots from the Near East University Hospital. Highlighting that the issue is on the agenda of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, Garip noted that they have already taken concrete steps towards enabling students to take the exams for Pilot Aptitude Psychometric Inventory (PAPI) at the University of Kyrenia.

The Public Works and Transport Minister Hasan Taçoy delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of IFTE 2014. Taçoy underlined that the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus should work in harmony in the field of aviation, adding that he would continue working to contribute the development of cooperation on aviation without minding time notion.

Stating that there were more than 10 universities in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the Public Works and Transport Minister Hasan Taçoy said that the students had already enrolled in the aviation and piloting programs offered by the University of Kyrenia, which is the first aviation university of TRNC, and added that the university would begin its first academic year in the coming days. Stating that the Department of Pilotage of the University of Kyrenia would realize the pilot training flights for the first time by using the Ercan State Airport, Taçoy extended his thanks to TR Civil Aviation General Director Bilal Ekşi for his providing opportunities to carry out pilot training flights at Ercan Airport.

Voicing his belief that aviation in TRNC would increasingly grow and develop, Taçoy ended his word by saying that future was in the skies.

After the opening ceremony, the participants visiting the booth of the University of Kyrenia had the opportunity to obtain detailed information concerning the aviation and pilot training offered by the University of Kyrenia.

More pics below:

*Credits: The University of Kyrenia


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