T.K Coleman | Exposé : Everything Isn’t Everything! [OPINION]

Money isn’t everything, but neither is anything else.

A good education isn’t everything. Being married isn’t everything. Having kids isn’t everything. Being in love with someone isn’t everything. Physical health isn’t everything. Having amazing friends isn’t everything. Appreciating fine art isn’t everything. Working hard isn’t everything. Taking care of your physical appearance isn’t everything. A sense of humor isn’t everything. Giving to charity isn’t everything. Getting a decent amount of sleep isn’t everything. Living in a neighborhood where you don’t have to worry about getting shot isn’t everything.

No single thing is everything.

Life is multidimensional. A flourishing life involves many different elements and the “right” combination of those elements ranges from person to person.

The question we should be asking ourselves is not, “is this thing I’m pursuing everything?,” but rather, “is it consistent with my own priorities, preferences, and principles to pursue the particular thing I am pursuing?”

What you need might fail to be everything, but that doesn’t mean it’s worth absolutely nothing.

Does it give you the options you want? Does it matter to you? Does it make you feel alive to go after it? Is it consistent with your value system? Does it make you a better human being to focus on it?

Instead of getting stuck in the trap of thinking about the things you want in terms of anything, nothing, and everything, consider the freedom that comes from just giving yourself permission to do and pursue YOUR thing.

About T.K Coleman


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