EMU Academic Staff Member Prof. Dr. Glenn Jenkins Ranks within Top 1% in RePEc Statistics

Eastern Mediterranean University Business and Economics Faculty, Economics Department academic staff member Prof. Dr. Glenn Jenkins has been ranked within top 1% among 41.589 researchers by RePEc (Research Paper in Economics).

According to RePEc statistics for September 2014, Prof. Dr. Jenkins ranked 13th  (within top 1%) among 1307 authors in Canada considering the impact factor of his journals in RePEc services over the past 12 months. It is worth mentioning that Prof. Dr. Jenkins ranked 1st in the category of top 25 authors by file downloads in September 2014.  Prof. Dr. Glenn Jenkins has 281 publications and authored 21 books until now.

RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a joint product of hundreds of volunteers in 82 countries and has the fundamental aim of facilitating the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. The center of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of working papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components, all maintained by volunteers. The collected data is then used in various academic services. Until now, over 1,600 archives from 81 countries have contributed about 1.4 million research pieces from 1,800 journals and 3,800 working paper series.

Credit: EMU


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