NEU!: An Initiative “Nec Speakers” among schools in TRNC
Near East College has proved itself through achiebing success in educational, cultural and sportive activities and through pioneering its peers. One of these pioneering initiatives of Near East College has been actualized by the teachers of the English Department and by 6th and 7th students.
According to the press release from the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of NEU (Near East University Nicosia, Cyprus), a rostrum titled as “ NEC SPEAKERS CORNER” was founded to enable the students to freely express themselves. Head of Department of English, Lesley Hakseven, expressed that their aim in founding a rostrum was to; facilitate the opportunity for students to express their wishes and thoughts-including their critiques regarding issues, which in return could serve as a path for the school authority to evaluate what it expressed; and also to utilize the rostrum as an opportunity to gain the skill of making a public speech. Furthermore, the skill of making a public sppech will improve the students’ feeling of self-efficacy, while also improving their language skills.
The opening of the rostrum, which the initiative idea and design belongs to Gülten Sert Göker (an English teacher at NEC), was done by Principal of Near East College, Işılay Arkan; Deputy Principal of 6th and 7th forms, Ömer Özkan; and by also Deputy Principal and Head of English Department, Lesley Hakseven.
The initiative of founding a rostrum is a ‘first’ in the schools of TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cpyrus) and has led to positive feedback on the students’s behalf, stating that the studnets were very pleased to have found such a democratic chance to freely express themselves.
Credit: NEU
Nice keep soaring up!!!!
ReplyDeletestiil the best!!!