79% of Greek Cypriots have No Trust in the EU!

It was reported that Greek Cypriots have the opinion that the EU does not take them into consideration. Fileleftheros reported that according to the data obtained from Euro-barometer, 79% of the Greek Cypriots think that their voice is not taken into consideration by the EU, with only 17% of them having a positive opinion.

According to the report, 38% Greek Cypriots have a negative image of the EU with only 24% having a positive image. It was also noted that 91% of Greek Cypriots do not have confidence in the Greek Cypriot parties, and this rate constitutes a record among the European countries.. Furthermore, 26% of the Greek Cypriots expressed their confidence in the UN with 67% of them not trusting.

It was also noted that 61% of the Turkish Cypriots have  trust in  the UN with  20% not trusting.

Regarding the confidence in the EU, it was reported that 68% of the Greek Cypriots have no  trust in  the EU with  25% having  confidence. . On the other hand it was reported that 66% of the Turkish Cypriots have trust in  the EU with 18% having  different opinions

Credit: Fileleftheros 


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