Eastern Mediterranean University TRNC hosted a Conference on Environmental Destruction

Organised by the Environment Club operating under Eastern Mediterranean University Social and Cultural Activities Directorate, a seminar on “environment” took place at EMU Activity Hall  with the participation of EMU Arts and Sciences Faculty, Biological Sciences academic staff member Assist. Prof. Dr.  Burak Ali Çiçek and TRNC Biologists’ Association Chair Dilge Özerdem and member Gizem Mulla..

During her opening address, EMU Environment Club chair Sıla Kemalettin stated that they organised the event to raise awareness regarding the environment. Kemalettin also stated that the seminar is a joint event organised with the students taking the Community Services Course presented by EMU Academic Staff member Barış Başel.

Presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. Çiçek, the seminar focused on “Global Environmental Destruction”. Assist. Prof. Dr. Çiçek put forth that photosynthesis is the basis for natural balance but the balance is disrupted by excess energy consumption. Explaining how the industrial revolution has increased the production as well as the energy consumption, Assist. Prof. Dr. Çiçek pointed excess energy consumption as the cause for the destruction of the environmental balance. Founder of the TRNC Biologists’ Association and the founder of the Anti-Nuclear Plant Platform,  Özerdem and member Mulla, gave a presentation explaining the dangers of nuclear energy and the reasons for rejecting the nuclear plant in Akkuyu. Özerdem ve Mulla added that the construction of the prospective nuclear plant in Akkuyu should be immediately terminated due to the huge destruction it will pose towards human health and environmental balance.

At the end of the seminar, the presenters were presented a plaque of appreciation for their contributions.

Credit: EMU


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