Full of Art End of Year Exhibition by Girne American University
Graduation portfolio exhibition of Girne American University Faculty of Architecture, Graphic Design and Fine Arts Department students were held at GAU Architecture, Design, and Fine Arts Faculty Gallery.
In a statement from GAU on the subject it was stated that the exhibition consisting the portfolios of art works prepared during the graduation phase of graphic design students will be exhibited at the Gallery of GAU Architecture, Design and Fine Arts Faculty until January 30, 2015.
The opening ceremony of exhibition was attended by GAU CEO and Vice Chancellor of the Board - Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi, Secretary General Assist. Prof. Dr. Sualp Davut, Dean of the GAU Architecture, Design and Fine Arts Faculty Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hossein Sadri, Head of the GAU Department of Painting Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Adil, GAU lecturers and students. GAU CEO and Vice Chancellor of the Board - Assist. Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi who realized the opening speech, congratulated GAU Architecture, Design and Fine Arts Faculty for creating a lively education environment with various academic activities and thanked the course executive, Vice Chairman of GAU Painting Department Sibel Kemal Uzun for the successful work of their students.
Students, whose works were exhibited at the exhibition which addressed various social issues with various graphic techniques, provided information about their works after the opening ceremony.
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