Hands-on professional experience for CIU Tourism and Hotel Management students

Students from the Cyprus International University School of Tourism and Hotel Management organized tours to popular tourist spots in Northern Cyprus in the framework of a project that the students undertook together with the Director of the School, Assoc. Prof. Ali Öztüren. The funds earned during the tours were donated to the Kemal Saraçoğlu Cancer Foundation for Children with Leukemia.

The Cyprus International University School of Tourism and Hotel Management provides its students with opportunities to get to know the ins and outs of the tourism and hospitality industry in its natural habitat through company visits, projects, and curricular and extra-curricular practices. Through the project, with the theme of “planning, and organizing a package tour, managing the marketing activities and the tour”, the students had hands-on experience in management, market research, product development, purchasing, accounting, marketing and guidance services.

Dr. Öztüren, the director of the School of Tourism and Hotel Management, indicated that the project was of great significance for the students’ future careers, providing them with very useful experiences.

He added, “we are contributing to our students as well as to many local stakeholders through our hands-on training approach”. Dr. also Öztüren pointed out that 1160 TL earned from the tour was donated to the Kemal Saraçoğlu Cancer Foundation for Children with Leukemia.

Credit: CIU


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