Most Awkward African Wedding Reception Dance EVER! Ola & Funmi Wedding!

Sometimes you think you have seen it all until BAAM from nowhere you are presented with videos like the one you are about to watch. This wedding happened in Nigeria recently and the video uploaded by a videographer on Facebook.

In a perfect world, it would be a perfect dance but unfortunately this is not a perfect world.

Enough ranting, kindly watch video below and enjoy.

Would you allow such at your wedding ladies? 


  1. wonders shal never end, lmao

  2. This is soooooo wrong in so many levels :(

  3. Hey, you have shared a great video here dear. I loved the dance in video. Well, I am also learning dance on a hit song for my wedding reception party in Las Vegas. I am sure everyone going to love my dance as I am learning it from a famous chorographer.


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