Cotton Made in Africa [CmiA] Establishes Sustainable Cotton Production in Uganda.

Over 5,000 Smallholder Farmers from Uganda Are Now Benefiting from Cotton made in Africa [Hamburg/Kampala, 05.02.2015].  Approximately 5,400 smallholder farmers from Uganda are now benefiting from the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) and its Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) initiative. This is the result of the successful verification of the Western Uganda Cotton Company (WUCC) and the cooperating cotton farmers. As the largest cotton initiative in Africa, CmiA is now also engaged in improving the living conditions of Uganda’s smallholder farmers and their families through sustainable cotton farming.

“We are delighted to be able to cooperate with smallholder farmers from Uganda and to assist them with training as well as the creation of a demand alliance for their cotton with the CmiA seal. This benefits local people and is a considerable success for our foundation with Uganda becoming the ninth country from Sub-Saharan Africa where we are actively supporting sustainable cotton farming and the rights of local farmers,” explains Tina Stridde, Managing Director of the Foundation.

As partners of CmiA, local farmers receive regular training on agricultural and business topics. They also benefit from reliable contracts and prompt payment for their harvest. With its market-oriented approach, the foundation also aims to improve the competitiveness of cotton from Uganda.

Nearly 80 per cent of Uganda’s population works in agriculture. This makes cotton one of the main sources of income in the country’s rural regions. By establishing a sustainable basis for the cultivation of the ‘white gold’ for both people and the environment, Cotton made in Africa is making a significant contribution towards the fight against poverty and offering a reliable livelihood to Uganda’s smallholder farmers. AbTF will also be taking a further decisive step in Uganda shortly: Through its cooperation with the recently founded company Fine Spinners, Uganda’s first fully integrated textile company, CmiA cotton is expected to form the basis for fully integrated textile production from the cotton field to the final product – cotton and textiles made in Africa.

Cotton Made In Africa

Cotton made in Africa Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) is an initiative of the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF), which promotes aid by trade in order to improve the living conditions of cotton farmers and their families in Sub-Saharan Africa. Smallholder farmers from Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Ghana, Cameroon and Ivory Coast are partnering with CmiA.

The initiative offers cotton farmers training in modern, efficient and environmentally friendly cultivation methods that allow them to increase the quality of their cotton as well as their crop yields and thereby generate higher incomes.


Christina Bredehorst
PR & Communication
Aid by Trade Foundation
Office +49 (0)40 64 61 68 48

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