NIGERIA: Diaries Of a Boarding School Babe [Look Who Is All Grown Up] by Linaabelle [P3]

Image Note: Blogger [in the middle] at Imo State University with cousins
Wow! Senior Secondary (SS)2 student? Me? I could not believe it. It seems like only yesterday I was a Junior Secondary School (JSS)1 student trying to figure out how to survive in this school. Now, I am officially a senior student. The Junior WAEC exams (an exam conducted by the The West African Examinations Council after you have completed junior secondary school, before you can start your senior secondary school) has come and gone. After all the noises made about passing it and all the craziness that went into preparing for it, it is officially done with.

Thinking back to JSS3 before the actual exams. I cannot believe how crazy things had gotten. It seemed all the teachers and students could think about was this exam. At every turn, the teachers wanted you to know that you just had to pass this exam, no two ways about it. As a matter of fact, now that I have taken the exam, while it was sufficiently difficult, I truly believed that the fear of this exam was more from all the big hoopla made about it than the actual exam being difficult. Regardless, it has come and gone now, life continues.

SS1 came and went rather quickly. Prior to that, the big break between the exam and the start of SS1 was a plus. We got months off from school while we awaited the results. I, of course, took maximum advantage of that to go somewhere new. I mean, sure I didn't leave the country (who has that kind of money?), but I had never really visited Owerri before. Sure, we stop by occasionally, but I have never really seen the place properly or gone to the various places. So it was with great enthusiasm that I had accepted to go to Owerri to spend time with my favorite (don't tell my other uncles) uncle. Being there was amazing. He was a student at Imo State University and so were my other cousins. Naturally, I attended classes with them occasionally. Now, that might not be a big deal to some people but to me, a JSS3 student, going to University campus (with all the big boys and girls) seemed like a dream come true. Of course it helped that I'd finally grown into my big head, so now I was quite tall. I looked like I belonged there. Plus, the amount of "toasting" that was occurring from the University guys affirmed this. I truly enjoyed myself there; it's no wonder I lost my skinny looks and became plump. My sisters had teased me about it when I returned.

I had not really thought about this school while I was gone. Between anticipating the examination result and stuffing my face with Mr. Bigg's rice and meat pie and  of course, gala, choco milo and ice cream, I did not have time to think about this school. It also did not help when I discovered a mama-put lady whose food tasted like heaven (well, what I imagined heaven tasted like). It's no wonder I have turned into an orobo. I did get a chance to see Mr. last card. As usual, hanging out with him was great! I was pretty mad when I walked into our living room from the balcony and saw him holding my friend's hand. I mean if looks could kill, that look I gave them would have had them busting into flames and me calling for the neighbors to come put out some fires. Of course, he understood because he quickly withdrew his hand from her when he saw me. I don't know if the jealousy (I assume that's what that was) was from him holding someone else's hand (since he's always holding mine) or from me developing feelings for him. Plus, I cannot believe he tried to kiss me. I was thoroughly in shock. All I could do was put my finger up and say "not now." What did I mean by not now anyways? It's not as if I was planning to have a make out session later. I suppose that was the first response that came into my head. He was a trooper about it since he never brought it up again.

But now I am back in school and all of that is behind me. I won't treat him any differently. Of course, with return to school comes more problems. The head house mistress is back with her problems. Why does that woman have it out for me anyways? I mean it's simple, if I don't want to help you break the school rules, why not find someone who would? I do not want to help you sell food to students. You do not know what allergies people possess. I refuse to be implicated if anyone dies from eating your food. Of course she does not see it that way, and this time around, I am in the vice principal's office for some made up offense again. At this point, it is getting pretty amusing. Moreover, I am sure the vice principal is onto her antics. I mean other than the times she's running in here to report me for one thing or another, I am a model student. No problems, no drama, nothing. I even serve as the water prefect, making sure every one gets their water for bathing and washing their clothes and plates. But hey, if she insists on making a fool of herself, far be it from me to stop her.

Moving on, I have to pay attention to what this man is talking about. Knowing him, this particular lesson will probably appear on the exams. He has this ruthless ability of finding whatever the most difficult topic he taught about was and then making most of his exams about that. So, if I am to pass, I have to focus. Oh great! Some student just entered the classroom to interrupt his lessons. We all know how angry he gets about that. Wait why is he looking at me? Great! the vice principal wants to see me. Why is the vice principal sending for me?  I hope that lady is not up to her crazy again. Alright, time to put on a brave face and go calmly but confidently tell him that I did not do whatever it was she accused me of this time. I pack up my books and bag and follow the student out to go see the vice principal. Hey, wait a minute, that man standing outside the vice principal's office with him looks just like my uncle. It is him! Wait, why is he here? What's going on? Who the heck is that with him? Oh sh*t is that my dad? What the..........? [To be continued]

- VikariouzlyTME


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