UPDATE: A Walk for a Meaningful Cause: We Want an Animal Friendly Campus

Eastern Mediterranean University’s staff and students organised a walk aiming to improve the welfare of stray animals and create an animal-friendly campus between 12:30 and 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 31 March 2015.

The EMU community previously initiated a joint project with Famagusta Veterinary Department with the aim of improving the situation of the stray animals on EMU campus. Within the project entitled “Neuter, Vaccinate and Let Live”, more than 80 dogs, both male and female, have been neutered so far. Additionally, EMU Animal Rescue Club has regularly been providing food and care for campus animals.  Organised within the framework of “Neuter, Vaccinate and Let Live” project by the members of EMU Animal Rescue Club, the walk aimed to give message to the community regarding animal welfare.

Some of the placards raised during the walk were “Campus Animals are Residents of the Campus”,  "Don’t Buy, Adopt!”, "Don’t Leave, Own”, "We Want an Animal Friendly Campus " and “No Violence Against Animals”. Some of the animal activists participated in the walk with their dogs and some of the campus dogs joined the group during the event.  Faculty members, canteen staff, drivers in vehicles, and administrative staff members supported the walk with applauds.

Stating their further plans regarding the improvement of the animal welfare on campus, animal activists expressed their gratitude towards Eastern Mediterranean University Rector’s Office for their firm support both for the project and the club. Finally, the aforesaid activists put forth that projects as such should set samples for other campuses and cities.

Credit: EMU


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