AMAZING: 14-Week-Old Unborn Baby Starts Clapping in the Womb as Parents Sing [VIDEO]
On March 26th, Jen Cardinal posted a YouTube video of her 14-week-old unborn baby clapping and it has already received over 7 million views. Cardinal told reporters that she began singing “If You’re Happy And You Know It Clap Your Hands” after she saw her baby clapping for the first time.
She said, “At our 14 week ultrasound our baby was clapping, so I sang a song with our doctor as my husband filmed. The experience is one I’ll never forget. The baby clapped three times, then the doctor rewound and scrubbed it while we sang. No mystery. It was amazing.”
As LifeNews previously reported, a recent study published in Infant Behavior and Development revealed that babies in the womb are able to recognize words and even remember nursery rhymes if their mom repeats them between weeks 28 and 34.
Another study published in the February 2014 Pediatrics suggested that the more words a preterm baby hears while in the neonatal intensive care unit [NICU], the more they respond with sounds of their own. This means that preemies could be developing speech patterns in the NICU. Additionally, the study found that an increased amount of parent talk was linked to higher language and thinking scores when the babies were older.
Watch the Cardinals’ baby clap to the nursery rhyme the video below!
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