UPDATED: On Da HOT Seat with...Ms Chipo Faith-Grace Biti | Online interactive

One of her greatest achievements was speaking at TEDx EMU earlier this year. She's currently working a couple of projects including the second edition of the ISSEU magazine as well as a couple of events. Future Endeavours? To publish more books, inspire more people and touch as many lives as possible.

THIS SATURDAY 22.08.2015, We will be taking questions from you beautiful people to place for Chipo Faith-Grace BitiON DA HOT SEATChipo Faith-Grace Biti, student of Eastern Mediterranean University. Best known for her blog the Chronicles of EveryWoman, Author of the book Orchestrated, and Founding Editor of the ISSEU Magazine.

This Saturday Chipo Faith-Grace Biti will be answering ANY QUESTION(S) you might have with regards to Students, life and studies.

PS: Chipo Faith-Grace Biti will answer ALL QUESTIONS once and same will be published here on Scanty Gela BLOG.

AS USUAL, the Online interactive will take place on the Elite Forum on Facebook, Click to gain Access.

Don't forget to be patient and wait for your question to be answered...


This Interactive has ended. Click here for updates

This Interactive has ended. Click here for updates

Watch Ms Chipo's presentation at TEDXEMU below: 


On Da HOT SEAT with...A new interactive students program for Students and others to directly ask some remarkable personalities on the Island pertinent questions that has been bothering us or we need more clarity on.

YOU, the interviewer have the total control to ask **any' questions to these personalities which they must respectfully answer.

**By 'any', we mean questions like:

1.personal questions
2.professional questions
3.informational questions

WE CANNOT ALLOW: Any racial, sexual or derogative questions, under no circumstances. Keep it intelligent and fun.

AS USUAL, the Online interactive will take place on the Elite Forum on Facebook, Click to gain Access.

Don't forget to be patient and wait for your question to be answered...


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