General Directorate of Youth and Sports Confederation of Turkey chose NEU RECTOR as RECTOR OF THE YEAR.

General Directorate of Youth and Sports Confederation of Turkey chose the rector of the year among members from both Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

According to the press info release from the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of Near East University, Rector of Near East University, Prof. Dr. Umit Hassan, has been chosen as the Rector of the Year by General Directorate of Youth and Sports Confederation of Turkey.

It was stated that the Spokesperson of the General Directorate of the Confederation, Aytaç Yamaç, declared that Prof. Dr. Umit Hassan had been chosen as the Rector of the Year due to his support to activities involving the youth and sports, culture and art.

Yamaç: “With his life style and modest personality, Near East University Rector, Prof. Dr. Umit Hassan, is an exemplary figure to the youth!”

It was also revealed that Prof. Dr. Umit Hassan’s award will be presented to him at Near East University.

Credit: NEU


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