WOW - Cow gives birth to calf with human features in South Africa [VIDEO]
Some ‘reports’ we occasionally come across leave us shaking our heads in doubt.
According to the Daily Sun, the South African government wants to test a newborn calf to see whether it is half-human.

“At about 12pm I saw cow legs coming out of Nyamazane, but I realised she was in pain and it was taking longer than normal for the birth process to finish,” Sebenzile Mlangeni, the head of the family, said, “after a while I called my kids to come help. After pulling the dead calf out we got the shock of our lives when we saw that the head looked like a human’s.
“Some residents have said that the cow may have been sexually abused in the veld where she grazes,” he said, “We do not know whether to bury it like a human baby or maybe send it to doctors to assess it,” said Sebenzile.
News of the strange birth spread fast. The SunTeam saw people arriving at the homestead in taxis on Monday.
The news shocked Ukhahlamba mayor Thulani Sibeko, who sent a ward councillor and induna to find out how true the rumour was.
“When the family sent me the picture I thought it was photoshopped,” Sibeko said.
Yes the animal looks strange but WTF! That does NOT look like a human being!
Watch video below:
Wonders..what re those????