The First Episode of RealTalk Undressed S01E01 dwells on New Year Resolutions [PART 2]

RealTalk Undressed is a responsive, contemporary student-styled and oriented talk show program that focuses on contemporary issues in a modern world. This is new. This is different. This is fun. This is educative. Everyone is a participant.

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Watch the video of [PART 1] Here: 

PART 2 of Episode 1 [watch below]

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  1. New year resolution issue: very well undressed as regards the topics spoken of.
    The truth is we make resolutions every day..everytime. But I think it's about the conscious commitment and effort to working towards these resolutions

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  4. In my opinion saying you dont have a new year resolution aint bad because 99% of the people that made one dont even keep to it. So saying that not having a newyear resolution means you dont think dats a bit rude. So i totally disagree with dis episode

    1. Hi Anonymous 4:13,,, that 99% of people do something doesn't make it right. I think you shud be more focused on being among the 1% that keep theirs instead of following the crowd of 99% that don't.


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