Street Artist From Portugal Creates 3D Graffiti That Appears To Float In The Air [PICS]

Not every great piece of art is hung from the walls of a fancy museum with marble walls and ancient artifacts. In fact, some of the most incredible art can be found on the streets of Portugal.  Portugal is known as the birthplace of graffiti, and with so many street artists in one location it takes a lot to be recognized as one of the best at the craft.

Odeith, a talented Portuguese street artist who creates 3D graffiti that literally appears to be floating in the air, is one of the best. Odeith’s careful skills ensure each 3D masterpiece tricks the eye into thinking the artwork is leaping off of the wall and into the street. Take your time looking at the photos, as there is such more to analyze and dissect. Check out his stunning street art below!

Each distinct piece is full of detailing and bright illusions that take time to fully soak in. Notice how his paintings appear to cast shadows and give off light, making the 3D quality of his work that much more spectacular.

In an interview with Bored Panda Odeith revealed, “I was kind of tired of the conventional regular 3D letters so I was always searching for something original. I got my first leg from one letter coming out of the wall. Since then, I’ve always been trying to reach a new level.” And a new level Odeith has certainly reached with his latest works of dramatic street art.

Odeith’s advice to anyone out there aspiring towards a dream, “Never quit your dreams if you’re a dreamer. And sometimes, it may take a few years to earn credibility.”

It took Odeith some time but he has certainly earned credibility in his field today. He now has a portfolio full of large-scale projects for names such as, Coca-Cola, Samsung, London Shell, and many more.

View the amazing street arts below:


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