Zombie Cat In Tampa Florida Rises From The Grave
Bart the cat should be renamed zombie cat after he was hit by a car, buried and then crawled out of his grave five days later.
According to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, they’ve seen many cases at their clinic but “this situation may take the cake!”
They are now caring for a 2-3 year old black and white cat named Bart who was found by his owner after being hit by a car. The cat appeared to be lifeless and his owner, Ellis Hutson, buried him in a shallow grave. Five days later, the cat showed up in a neighbors yard alive!
Bart was matted, injured, dehydrated and meowing for food.
Hutson got in touch with the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, which through the Save-A-Pet Medical Fund will help cover costs of surgery to remove an eye, wire his jaw shut and insert a feeding tube.
Bart should recover in about six weeks and he’ll go home with Hutson.
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