UNFICYP releases a budget $54 million as an official UN document.

The budget of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) was released on Tuesday in New York as an official UN document.

According to the report, UNFICYP’s budget for the period from July 1, 2015 ...amounts to $54,374,700 and provides for the deployment of 860 military contingent personnel, 69 United Nations police officers, 33 international staff and 117 local staff.

The proposed budget of $54,374,700 for the 2015/2016 period is lower by $3,629,800, or 6.3 per cent, from the $58,004,500 for the 2014/2015 period.

The variance is attributable mainly to: (a) lower requirements for international staff salaries resulting from the lower post adjustment multiplier for Cyprus, and the nationalisation of four field service posts; and (b) lower requirements for military and police personnel as well as facilities and infrastructure owing to the application of the United Nations operational exchange rate between the euro and the US dollar.

The UN Secretary General says in the report that UNFICYP “will continue to ensure the implementation of its mandate, which is to maintain the stability of the buffer zone and to facilitate a return to normal conditions. It will also continue to provide substantive, administrative and logistical support to the Secretary-General’s good offices mission in the ongoing political negotiations for a Cyprus settlement”.

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