REJOINDER: NSS-EMU replies Mr. Kerry Kartoon on Controversial Statement! [VIDEO]

I think controversy is not always a bad thing. Jesus was controversial. It's through controversy that people often wake up and smell the coffee and say, 'What's going on here? Do we need to rethink something here?' As Yoko Ono says 'Controversy is part of the nature of art and creativity.'

Akon even went further, 'Whatever obstacle comes your way, you gotta be prepared to jump over it! And I think that's what separates the legends from the regular artists. It's all in how you manage that success, and how you deal with the controversy when it actually comes.'

In view of that, we bring to our dear readers the Open Letter by the NSS-EMU to Mr. Kerry Kartoon concerning a statement he made in a video he posted on social media where he alleged that The NSS-EMU barks and doesn't bite when it comes to fighting for students rights'

Full excerpt below:


Our attention have been drawn to a video circulated on social media by Mr Kerry Kartoon on which he repeatedly called NSS a toothless bulldog, specialist in collecting awards who barely know their duties.

Whereas the Nigerian Student Society is not in the habit of replying people as the beauty of democracy vest in us the right speak up at any point in time. However we have decided to reply Mr Kartoon because of the damaging and misleading nature of the thoughtful but unnecessary video capable of damaging the relations between the school and NSS. The video is unnecessary because there are many channels of writing to NSS which he is aware and more disheartening because he is the next door neighbor of Mr Salim Hamza Ringim, the NSS president and could have discussed the issues with him before tagging the association a toothless bulldog.

The provisional registration was a means introduced by the former rector Prof. Dr. Abdullah Y. Oztoprak to help students who do not pay their tuition fees on or before registration. Such program was enjoyed by students from every country until the recent decision by the school management to stop it. Recipients of such privilege were given a certain time to make their payment. The new school administration led by Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam decided to revoke the provisional registration.

It is unfair to the leadership of NSS to conclude that NSS took the decision hook line and sinker without appreciating the efforts taken so far. Prior to the 09 March School resumption date, the NSS received information on the cancellation of the program and met with the vice rector on Student Affairs on Thursday 05 March to make our case that the decision will affect our quest for qualitative education negatively. We met with her on Friday even when most students were not aware of the cancellation and she promised to convey our message to the right authority. By Monday 09 March, the African presidents met with the Vice Rector on Promotional Affairs to lay our case.

After series of negotiations the school agreed to extend the program to only student in final semester citing the illegality of the program and abuse by student as some of the reasons for the cancellation. We also consulted the leadership of the EMU student council in the struggle. Leaders of international students in their last meeting agreed to lead students to the Rectors office by Monday 16th March 2015. 

We have always updated the students on the outcome of every meeting which Mr. Kartoon acknowledged. As a Political scientist Mr kartoon should have known that negotiation is the key to unlocking any unfavorable situation and as students in an academic environment, we must utilize all channels before we switch to any line of action (if necessary). It must be stated here that the provisional registration was a privilege introduced by the last administration which is not included in the school bye-laws unlike installment registration.

We believe that every student has the right to an inclusive and qualitative education which the school authority with their academic and social programs portrays. The school has always supported all our programs and we enjoy some privileges that others do not enjoy. For example our pharmacy students are on 50 percent scholarship which is not available for all nationalities. On what grounds is he talking about privileges? NSS was recently rated the best and active association in EMU, I do not wish to bore you with our achievements (because you don’t attend NSS activities) but be assured that we have advocated for Nigerians even in strenuous situations and succeeded without calling for protest.

We wish to tell all Nigerians that we will continue to fight for our rights and lobby for our privileges including provisional registration especially in this critical time of our economy. We appeal to all to remain law abiding while we continue to render our services to all Nigerians and by extension Africans.

Public Relations Officer
14 03 2015

*And the video by Mr. Kerry Kartoon that ignited the controversy, watch below


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