Mr. Chukwuka Augustine: Why You Should Become a VEGETARIAN/VEGAN [OPINION]

In this article, I explore real life facts why one should consider forfeiting his or her meat diet and replacing them with a more natural plant diet.

The first reason why should no longer be a meat eater is because the environment needs you not to be a meat eater. Think of it, eating a plant based meal for lunch instead of a burger saves 2.5 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions which is a huge contributor to global warming, 133 gallons of water and 24 square feet of land. Imagine that 25 gallons are needed to produce 1 pound of wheat and around 2,500 gallons is needed to produce 1 pound of meat. You see these facts and these figures? they just show how thankful the environment will be when you become a veggie/vegan.

If we are to go by how going veggie/vegan influences your sex life, then you should probably start picking up the habit of eating plant based meals. A recent study argues that people who eat tofu and other plant-based foods have a better sex life than meat eater. It claims that certain plants influence levels of sexual activities. So, come on! help your libido.

You will be doing your cardiovascular system a huge favour. Namely, you will reduce your risks of having high blood pressure, stroke, atherosclerosis and the cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular diseases are a huge contributor to sudden deaths. Plants have more of the type of cholesterol you wanna be putting into your body (I mean the good cholesterol, high density lipoproteins). While a meat eater has about 50% chance of suffering from heart diseases, vegetarians have 14% chance and vegans have only 4% chance which is far more impressive. So, choose he this day where you wanna belong.

Chukwuka Augustine
[Member, SGB Writers]
You will also be impressed to know that your risks of getting cancer will also be reduced more if you are a vegetarian/vegan as red meats have even be linked to causing some types of cancer. Studies show that eating a lot of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of developing certain cancers. Hopefully, you are among the group of people that wanna have their cancer risks as minimal as possible.

For the sake of the animals. I would love to summarise a quote I got elsewhere in this article. It goes thus, if all animals and plants were to go extinct, in the next 50 years, humanity will suffer and the environment will also suffer, but if all the humans were to go extinct, in the next 50 years, the earth will flourish. It basically explains how we are the primary problems and we don’t seem to give a damn about other species. more than 500,000 animals are killed in the U.S every hour and 2.5 million are killed in the U.K everyday. Needless to say, we know how not cool that is.

Going veggie might be the solution to those people that have been struggling to loose some body fats, like people that wanna get into the skinny jeans or stay in their skinny jeans. And I don’t mean when you’ve gone veggie then you consume all the cheese and nuts on earth. You’ve still got to do it right and eat healthy though, but going veggie/vegan will surely help you drop some pounds.

Another good reason is that you will get to replace your meat diet with super foods. Isn’t that cool?, when you eat super foods, then you become a super- human or maybe that’s what I think, but to be serious though you will be taking the super foods which doesn’t include meat because meat isn’t a super food and then you will get to live a healthier lifestyle.

This one right here is pretty cool. By turning veggie, you get to increase your life expectancy. You get to live longer than the average meat eater because you have saved yourself from all those troubles that comes with meat eating. Simply reducing your amount of meat intake significantly raises your life expectancy by 3.6 years, so imagine how many years you can be adding to your life if you go veggie/vegan.

*Written by Chukwuka Chukwuka Augustine []
 [Member - Scanty Gela Blog Writers/SGB Writers]


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