OPINION: Nigerians Don't Suffer Depression, Really? [Short Story]

Gabriel and I have been friends since primary school. We went to school together everyday while in secondary school. Gabriel was much better than me in terms of grades because his average scores were always higher than mine. He is naturally quiet but when we are together, he does most of the talking. He is someone who always comes up with unique ideas and views on how things should be done. He is a very confident person who can convince people to do things.

At some point in secondary school, he began having recurrent typhoid and malaria such that he treated it more than thrice a year. He missed school because of it sometimes. It became a regular thing for him to always treat malaria once in a while.

But things took a turn for the worst when he started to feel unsure of himself. There was a time he told me while we were reading together

''I don't even know what/who I am anymore''

Being naïve then, I just brushed it off as one of his 'tantrums' because he could get really angry at things and blurt out words sometimes.

But his condition deteriorated. He began to have difficulty concentrating on his studies, lost interest in singing his usual songs (he has a good voice), he started skipping meals, slept little and became generally gloomy. As I would find out later, he even thought much about suicide (nobody including me knew about it)

'How could Gab possibly be thinking of suicide?'

That would have been our reaction then if he had ever told us about it.

A few years past and we were already in the university. The symptoms I stated above came back. He began to have a hard time in the university and he was already contemplating quitting school entirely.
At one time, he came down with his usual malaria and typhoid and went to the hospital. Usually when he goes to the hospital, the doctors would already conclude that he was having his usual bouts of the Plasmodium and Salmonella infection. But this time, the doctor who examined him decided to probe further and ask him some few questions. He sensed that he had a more serious problem than just malaria. The doctor called his mum and told her

'This boy looks depressed'

When I heard it, I could not bring myself to agree with the empirical diagnosis.

I said to myself 'No way, Gabriel doesn't have depression. He's just having recurrent malaria. Maybe the doctor mistook his quiet nature for depression'

But I was going to be proved wrong a month later. I guess his parents hesitated a bit before deciding to let him see the doctor again. And so after his visit to the doctor, he came back and told me the diagnosis -depression.

I asked myself 'how?!' I was shocked. I had never come across anyone who had it and if anyone should have it, why did it have to be Gabriel?

It was then it dawned on me that there are a lot of persons who may appear fine on the outside but on the inside, they are suffering from depression. And that explains the downward turn of things in the life of some of them.

My friend was placed on medication and I saw the old Gabriel come alive again.

Just like most Nigerians, I was caught up in the error of thinking that we can't have people who suffer depression.

There are many causes of depression. In the case of my friend it wasn't suffering (harsh conditions of life) or the loss of a loved one.

It was due to a chemical imbalance in his brain and maybe stress if I may say. The pathology of depression is rather complex and a lot of factors come into play. One thing however that should be clear to all is that depression is not madness as some people regard it.

While my friend was struggling with it, I could not tell anyone that he had depression.

There are many persons who are suffering from depression but cannot admit it because people around (family and friends) would not understand it and probably make them feel even worse. They tell them
'Just get over whatever it is that is disturbing you!'

There is a huge stigma attached to being depressed and it is not recognised as a valid condition that someone can suffer from. Even when it is acknowledged, it is regarded as one of those things that only 'oyinbo' people suffer. People around here are quick to demonize everything that is out of the ordinary. There are persons who become alcoholics because of depression and their lives take a turn for the worst but rather than seek for the real cause of the problem, people attribute it to witchcraft influence. What has alcoholism got to do with witchcraft? I am a Christian and I know how spiritual everything is- but there is surely a place for psychology, medicine and psychiatry. Not every thing is the devil's doing. There are challenges that are not induced by the devil.

We have to accept the reality that Nigerians also suffer depression and those affected should not be left to suffer alone. We must try to help them when we come across them.

Extend a helping and supporting hand to the depressed today and the very first thing they need from you is your understanding.

The Source for Health Information defines "depression as an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you think about things." It's more than "feeling blue" or "trying to pull yourself together" and you can't wish it away.

There is no single cause of depression. It runs in some families but people with no family history also become depressed. Other causes include stressful life changes, like divorce, losing a job, the loss of a loved one, or a serious illness.

If you know anyone affected, recommend the person for professional help so that his condition can be properly handled. EMU has a professionally equipped guidance and counselling department. Good place to start locating that is the International Office in EMU.

Goodluck everyone

*Written by K*SH


  1. Yah tnx to u guys fr bring dis deadly disease to light if uve nt gone through it u wont understand tns again

  2. say no to depression

  3. Thanks to u guys we are going to bring to light unique ways to combat this

  4. Depression is worse than cancer, IMHO.


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