European Council Parlimentary Assembly Press Group in EMU
The European Council Parliamentary Assembly press group paid a visit to Eastern Mediterranean University. During the visit which took place on 13 November 2014, press representatives visited EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam and received information on EMU and Cyprus.
International press representatives from different countries (Italy, Spain, Poland, Azerbaijan, Denmark, France, Romania, Vatikan, Germany and Belgium) stated that topics related to Europe fall within their area of focus and they perceive South and North Cyprus as points of interest.
Rector Prof. Dr. Osam stressed the importance the university gives to educational quality and gave information on the international accreditations the university has been granted so far. Providing information on the student and faculty profile of EMU, Prof. Dr. Osam also put forth that around 19,000 students from 95 different countries study within a peaceful and secure environment in EMU.
Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sözen and Vice Rector for Promotion Prof. Dr. Hasan Amca, who were also present during the meeting, both stated that accreditations are the confirmation of EMU’s quality. Answering questions about EMU’s student profile, Prof. Dr. Amca stated that during the former years, 70% of the student population of EMU was from Turkey but currently, there is a considerable increase in the number of international students, thanks to successful accreditation projects of the university. Stating that the majority of EMU graduates are employed at senior positions throughout the world, Prof. Dr. Amca also added that a considerable number of EMU graduates are in charge of many important companies within the USA and Europe.
Following the group’s visit, Prof. Dr. Sözen and Prof. Dr. Amca delivered a presentation on EMU and Cyprus Conflict in EMU Senate Hall. Following the promotional film on EMU, Prof. Dr. Amca answered questions on the university. Following Prof. Dr. Amca, Prof. Dr. Sözen provided information on Cyprus conflict and latest developments. Sharing their findings on a public opinion survey carried out with 1,000 participants from each community, namely North and South, Prof. Dr. Sözen responded to the journalists’ questions on the findings. The visit finished with a campus tour.
Credit: EMU
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