Overcoming the embargoes on TRNC by means of science: NEU strives forward

The Near East University continues to contribute to the world science day by day. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nadire Cavuş, the Chairperson of the Department of Computer Information Systems of Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, and Dr. Erinç Erçağ, lecturer at Computer Education and Instructional Technology, have contributed to the science with a significant study.

The Article was published in British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET)

The publication of scientific studies across the globe by the prestigious journals of the world of science requires very arduous work. A scholarly work or study is subjected to refereeing process before it is published in a journal.

According to the press release from the Directorate of Press and Public Relations Office of NEU (Near East University Nicosia, Cyprus), Dr. Erinç Erçağ under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nadire Çavuş conducted a doctoral scale study aiming to determine the self-efficacy perceptions for the safe use of Internet for teachers. In accordance with the data obtained from the study, the article on “The scale for the self-efficacy and perceptions in the safe use of the Internet for teachers: The validity and reliability studies” was published in British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), which is one of the most prestigious journals of the world and can be read online through Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). BJET provides readers with the widest possible coverage of developments in educational technology world-wide and is the primary source for academics and professionals in the expanding fields of education, training and information technology. The Journal has a very strong citation record.

As a result of intensive and hard work throughout two years, the aforementioned researchers managed to get positive results of the study aiming to find out the problems encountered by primary and secondary school teachers regarding the safe use of internet. The article, which was published by British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), is made available online through Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).

Highlighting the significant impact of internet on social life; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nadire Çavuş said that internet usage in the globalizing world had become a part of the life of each individual of any age, but as a consequence the number of undesirable problems encountered had increased in direct proportion to the usage. “Individuals should necessarily be provided with information regarding the hazardous risks of internet usage and the ways of protection. Since education starts at home and continues at schools, it is important to equip the teachers with adequate information on the safe use of internet as they are the ones who will guide both the students and their parents. To this end, the researchers of NEU have contributed to science by testing the validity and reliability of the scale that they have developed to determine the teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions for the safe use of Internet. I am delighted on my own and on behalf of the Near East University to share the scale, which we have developed to contribute the individuals to be conscious internet users, with the researchers who would like to conduct research studies regarding the issue” underlined she.


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