An Important Representation from EMU Center for Women's Studies

Eastern Mediterranean University Center for Women’s Studies chair Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süheyla Üçışık Erbilen partipated in the “2nd Training and Mentorship Program in Improving and Strengthening Female Leadership in Higher Education” organized jointly by T.R. Family and Social Policies Ministry and Düzce University within the framework of “TULIP: Leadership Improvement Programs in Turkish Universities”.

The program which took place in Akçakoca between 22 and 24 October 2014 was based on learning and experience sharing took place under the moderatorship of Prof. Dr. Ayşe Soysal (Former Rector of Bosphorus University), Prof. Dr. Nigar Demircan Çakar (Vice Rector in Düzce University), Prof. Dr. Sezer Komsuoğlu (Kocaeli University Rector), Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan (Üsküdar University Rector) and Prof. Dr. Abbas Türnüklü (9 Eylül University Arts and Sciences Faculty Dean). The aforesaid program which is based on practical recommendations on various subjects had the main target of strengthening the crucial areas for female leaders as well as motivating them for leadership.

A considerable number of female academicians from various state and private universities of Turkey took part in the event and exchanged information on the factors leading to low rates of female administrators in the field of higher education and the steps in increasing their numbers in the aforesaid positions.

Credit: EMU


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