President of the TRNC Supreme Court Visited EMU Law Faculty

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Supreme Court President Şafak Öneri and Supreme Court Judge Gülden Çiftçioğlu visited Eastern Mediterranean University Law Faculty.

During their visit, Öneri and Çiftçioğlu had a meeting with  Acting Dean Prof. Dr. Turgut Turhan, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ulaş Gündüzler and Assist. Prof. Dr. Nazime Beysan and exchanged information on legal training in general and how to provide more educational input regarding the legal system in TRNC. Stating his happiness in the visit,  Acting Dean Prof. Dr. Turgut Turhan put forth that the faculty has already been offering courses with a special focus on the legal system of the TRNC but the issue of expanding the scope and number of these courses will be under consideration after Öneri and Çiftçioğlu’s feedback. Stating the importance of law faculties for the country, Öneri stated that the Supreme Court is ready to support the relevant projects to be put into life in this respect.

Credit: EMU


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