Eastern Mediterranean University Orientation Days 2015 - USEFUL LINKS

Eastern Mediterranean University Orientation Program basically introduces the campus and its facilities to new students and also help them adapt to their new social and physical environment before classes commence .

The program also provide services to newly arriving students under the title of "Student Welcoming and Placement Program" and "Orientation Days". During the Orientation Program, help desks which provide assistance to students regarding general and academic issues through free-of-charge information resources are set up at entry points into  TRNC like Ercan Airport as well as various places on the campus.

"Orientation Days start one week before the commencement of classes. Along with the campus tour which aims to provide information on the administrative units, tours to Famagusta, Nicosia, Kyrenia and Karpaz are organised within the framework of the program. Additionally, informatory seminars supporting the new students' adaptation to the new environment are held during the Orientation Days. All new students and their families are invited to the Orientation Days which offer numerous social and cultural activities."

Find some useful links below:

*Orientation Page
*Download the Orientation Program
*Information handbook
*Student Pick up Form
*Tour Participation Form

Credit: EMU


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