EMU to Host Congress of The International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics

Eastern Mediterranean University, Education Faculty, Turkish Teaching Department is hosting the 8th Congress of the International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics between 14 and 18 September, 2015. Organised within the operations of the International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics, the congress previously took place in Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Latvia, Portugal, Solvenia and Austria. Founded in 1993, the said society enjoys excellent reputation in the field of linguistic worldwide.

With a pioneering role in the international promotion and advancement of dialectology and geolinguistics, the International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics organises important conferences in the said fields and publishes a journal called Dialectologia et Geolinguistica. Recognised by UNESCO, the Society has members throughout the world including European countries, Canada, the USA and Japan. The Society is also a full member of the Comité International Permanent des Linguistes.

It is worth mentioning that the said society included Turkish as one of the languages of presentation during this year’s conference, which is an indicator of Turkish being accepted as a language of science at the international platform. 8th Congress of the International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics is expected to host participants from fifteen different countries. Among world renowned participants attending the congress are Prof. Dr. Eva Agnes Csato, Prof. Dr. Michael Schulte and Prof.Dr. Maria-Pilar Perea.

The five-day congress will host presentations to be held in 17 sessions. The opening ceremony of the congress will take place at Cratos Hotel at 10:00 a.m. on 14 September 2015. Following the opening addresses and the key-note speaker’s presentations, concurrent sessions will take place in two different halls. The congress will continue after EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Osam’s address at EMU Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tahiroğlu Hall at 10:00 a.m. on 15 September 2015. Further information about the congress is available at http://sidg.emu.edu.tr

Credit: EMU


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