Martha Rrazi: How Do I Stop, Dreaming? | Red LetterBox Series

I saw the moon, I saw stars
I saw bliss, photographed in the sky
I saw waves, I was in the waves
I saw the ocean, smile
A growing smile
That consumed her face
That consumed me
I saw darkness

I'd dreamed up the moon, I'd dreamed up stars
I'd dreamed up bliss, photographed in the sky
I'd dreamed up waves... wait, no
There were waves
I was in it
Drowning, not riding
The ocean, she was laughing
Laughing not smiling
I'd dreamed up magic
Magical reality
A dream in my nightmare
A nightmare in my dream
I'd dreamed up darkness

The layers
All so confusing now
So confusing I must stop
But I have dreamed so far
I have dreamed so long
How do I wake
How do I stop

by Martha Rrazi


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