DAU GUNDEM: EMU Students air their views on 'Student - Teacher Relationship at EMU'

The relationship between instructors and their students in every educational institution is a very important discourse. Aside the basics which is to teach and learn for the two of them, teachers should have an engaging personality. This will help them to compel their students to do certain things and also to maintain a viable relationship with their students in all discussions. Students will be also morally responsible for themselves and make better decisions in life.

A slew of students at Eastern Mediterranean University are international students. The case with most if not all students here is that they school in North Cyprus with the absence of their parents or guardians. In a milieu like this, strong teacher and students rapport may establish a good connection and it will be ultimately beneficial to the students. Out of curiosity, Gündem newspaper inquired into teachers and students relationship at Eastern Mediterranean University by speaking to few students about what they think of teacher and student relationship here, if teachers are friendly and if teachers have been of major help to them. These are their responses;

Somaye Fares is a 22 years old Jordanian student in the Business Faculty. To her; “teacher and student relationship is like a band, someone is teaching and someone wants to learn. They help you with life and career. They are really friendly and helpful. They try as much as possible to know about your life. On if they have solved any serious problem for me, I think Yes, i have faced several problems in the past and some of my teachers helped me to solve them. There was a time i had problem with my proposal for thesis and my professor helped me to find matching topics and articles”. She said.

Mohsen is 27 years old Iranian student of Education Faculty. He said; “the question of teacher and student relationship for me at Eastern Mediterranean University seems ambiguous because it depends on the situation. Also, there are different courses and different teachers. In some courses their relationship is not to good but in some courses, some teachers are extremely friendly. Overall, I think all teachers have serious relationship with students and if it is serious it can be good or bad. For me, it is mostly unfavorable and unhealthy because around 6 months ago I asked one of my teachers to help me but she didn’t help me.

We spoke to Yunus Lukinger, an Austrian who is a Ph.D. student of Communication and Media Studies Faculty. To him, teacher and student relationship at EMU is a good one. He said, “the relationship is like a family relationship because everyone is friendly and they try to help the next person who needs help. I do believe that most of teachers are friendly. Also, teachers here have been of major help to me but I don’t think it is necessary to share. Overall, i think that the teacher and student relationship is good”.

Margaret Adebisi Adeyanju is a 27 years old Nigerian student of Radio TV and Film Studies. She said a slew of positive things about teacher and student relationship at Eastern Mediterranean University.

She said; “ I think the teacher student relationship here is one of the best I have ever seen. Teachers are very close to the students which is very important because it gives positive and long lasting implications to students academic performance. On the question if i have been helped by any teacher,  İ say absolutely,  i have been in a situation where I needed one of my teachers to assess my projects before submitting it to the lecturer taking me for the course, since it was her field, she was really of help and she corrected all my mistakes before I submitted it finally and I had a good grade after-all. My overall assessment on teachers friendliness in Eastern Mediterranean University is that it is very good. If i am to compare the teachers here with that of my former university lecturers and that of my country lecturers, I will say EMU teachers are more friendly and to me their friendliness is just the best ever. Sometimes,  you just keep wondering if they are actually lecturers with the way they communicate with students because they are just too friendly to students”.



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