TheNwando - The Confidence Post [OPINION]

For the vast majority of my life, i have believed that i could achieve everything i wanted out of life. Where people saw impossibilities; i saw a silver lining. One of the things i admire the most about myself is my self-confidence. I’m really confident in all areas of my life – I have sometimes been told that my confidence blinds me to certain things but alas… that’s a story for another day.
Confidence – A feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities
“With realization of one’s own potential & self confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” – Dalai Lama
I think it is very important for everyone to be able to have confidence in self. What you think of yourself is far more important than what anyone could ever possibly think of you. How you see/portray yourself is often how other other people will regard you.

What are the things that make me confident about self and life?

I’m honestly doing my best; i’m a believer in building the life i believe i deserve and i almost always do everything i possibly can to achieve my dreams; i’m confident amongst people of all works of life and different levels of success because in my own journey; i’m doing my best; i appreciate my effort and i honestly don’t need to seek validation from others to know i’m doing alright.

My personal style is very minimal; I’m not the most done up girl in the room ( I hate make up and fancy clothes). I’ll always choose comfortable over fashionable and that’s OK! I have accepted this about myself and i OWN it. I don’t try to change who i am to make people around me comfortable; instead i surround myself with people that accept me as i am.

I never compare myself to others. I understand that life happens and people’s experiences are different. There’s absolutely no point in jealousy or comparison between self and others. I admire some people and i look up to a few people for inspiration but never with spite, jealousy or bitter comparison. You can’t find confidence in self if you prefer someone else to yourself.

I trust in my growth. I’m in a better place mentally than i was a few weeks ago,  a few months ago, a few years ago. This tells me that i’ll be in an even better place in few weeks, few months, few years. I’m growing and it’s admirable to be and this makes me confident about life in general (even when anxiety about the future creeps in).

I take care of myself. It’s not enough to wish for a certain body type; i work very hard at my physical appearance. I work out, i drink a lot of water and i eat very well. I take care of my skin, body, soul, heart and mind. I feed my self with the things that make me flourish physically, spiritually and mentally. You can’t find confidence if you are not proud of the way you look.
These are a few ways i’ve found confidence and apply it to my everyday living. How do find confidence? Please share with me as i would love to know!

Love x Light,


***Ms Nwando is a Guest Blogger, Follow her blog posts here


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