Young Journalists of EMU Communication Faculty Defended Their Projects Before a Jury
EMU Communication Faculty Journalism Department final year students defended their graduation newspapers before a jury formed by academicians and journalists.
Eastern Mediterranean University Communication Faculty Journalism Department students defended their graduation projects in front of a jury formed by academicians and journalists. During their project defense students explained the reasons for placing specific news items in their newspapers.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Metin Ersoy, Communication Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Süleyman İrvan, Journalism, Radio-TV and Cinema Department Chair Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hanife Aliefendioğlu, Detay Newspaper Editor in Chief Oshan Sabırlı and Vatan Newspaper Editor in Chief Mehmet Kasımoğlu were the members of the aforesaid jury formed within the framework of EMU Communication Faculty academic staff member Assist. Prof. Dr. Metin Ersoy’s Graduation Project course.
Students Hassan Abdulkadir Dandatti, Tuğçe Seren Karakoç, Kamil Yelim, Sultan Emre, Barış Özer, Ahmet Arıcı and Narin Demirci defended their newspaper projects before the aforesaid jury, received feedback from jury members and answered questions. It is worth mentioning that all students received a passing grade from the jury.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Metin Ersoy stated that as young journalists, students defended their newspapers effectively and in line with ethical values. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ersoy also added that the faculty endeavors to bring up responsible professionals who are sensitive towards human rights, work according to ethics and have a sense of social responsibility.
Advising students to give more importance to research journalism, EMU Communication Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Süleyman İrvan added that students should be brave since journalism is a profession of courage. Journalism, Radio-TV and Cinema Department chair Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hanife Aliefendioğlu stated that students were careful with the use of language in their newspaper projects and they successfully selected news items from every aspect of life.
Giving feedback on students’ mistakes in page-setting, Vatan Newspaper Editor in Chief Mehmet Kasımoğlu also expressed his happiness in seeing students with outstanding page designs. Stating that the news items selected by the students were attractive, Mehmet Kasımoğlu put forth that graduates will easily pursue empoyment opportunities at the sector.
As one of the former graduates of EMU, Detay Newspaper Editor in Chief Oshan Sabırlı expressed his excitement and happiness in being a jury member and stated that it is his pleasure to evaluate young journalists’ newspapers.
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