EMU EVENT: 3rd Fone Film FCMS, Radio-TV, Cinema and Journalism Department

Eastern Mediterranean University Communication and Media Studies Faculty, Radio-TV, Cinema and Journalism Department is finalising the preparations for Fone Film Festival taking place between 11 and 12 June 2015.

Taking place under the sponsorship of Turkish Halk Bank, the theme of this year’s festival is “What I Came to Say”. With the view that everyone has a story to tell, 2015 Fone Film Festival will be an opportunity for the participants to tell their story.

Short movies to be shot with mobile digital devices will appear under two distinct categories as high school and +18.

On behalf of the festival organisation committee, Radio-TV,  Film and Journalism Department Chair Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hanife Aliefendioğlu stated that the former film festivals revealed that everyone has a story to tell and the information society and mobile culture we live in offer us various means to tell our stories. Hence, the organising committee specified this year’s theme as ‘What I Came to Say’. All high school students and adults are invited to share their stories telling us about what kind of world we live in or we would like to live in.

As it was during the previous years, the festival will be offering awards to winning works. The award for the best film in the international category has been set as 4000 TL, for the second best film  2500 TL and the third one, 1500 TL. Additionally, the best movie in the high schools category  will be awarded 2000 TL, the second one 1500 TL and the third will receive 1000 TL.

Original Flyer [EMU]

Further information about the festival may be obtained at https://www.facebook.com/groups/fonefilmfest or fonefilmfest.emu.edu.tr

Credit: EMU


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