The unusual 'unbreakable' relationship between Barbers and their Customers [OPINION]

Move over, dogs — barbers are a man’s real best friend. That unbreakable connectionan attachment so strong that men actually allow barbers near their exposed necks with straight razors!begins with trust.

“The best haircuts come from mind of the barber,” said Ahmet, who has been a barber, for 25 years in TRNC.

Ahmet listens to his customers’ requests, but when a man asks for a cut that just won’t match his cranium, the talented 'tonsorial' artist reasons with the client.

“Nobody ever went out of here with a bad haircut,” Ahmet said.

“The best way to keep customers is to give them a good haircut, I have customers who moved away far distance and still come back to me for a haircut when they are in the neighborhood. That’s a satisfied and happy customer.”

Seriously, if you jump around from barber to barber and never develop a relationship with one, it’s like going on a first date every time. And even if you like first dates, after a while, it’s not as fun as it sounds. You and your hair need stability and predictability, believe it or not!

You don’t want to explain your usual cut every single time, do you? Your goal should be to get to the point where you don’t even have to say anything. You just sit down in the chair and let the casual conversation begin with your barber begin. he already knows what you want :)

Written by Anonymous


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