TheNwando - 100 Things I’m Grateful For [OPINION]

I began to actively practice gratitude after a few things happened in my life and i struggled to see the good in life; i realized at the time that there were also reasons in my life to be grateful but i was always stuck on the pain and the things that weren’t going right. A failed dream, another failed relationship, a broken heart, loss of a very loved one, loss of vision and the list goes on and on; i’ve been through all the above and at those times of suffer i found myself dwelling on only the pain but never the things in my life that were actually not so bad.

I find that habits are like roads – the more you travel them, the easier they are to follow; i made the decision to form the habit of gratitude and never self pity. It is so easy to look to the bad things that happened to us, the life we hope for, the dreams we aim to achieve, the love we hope to receive, the money we hope to make etc. that we often forget to stop and take stock of the things that we currently have that we don’t even ask for; the reasons we smile, the people that make us laugh, the opportunities that just fell on our lap, the little random things that happen daily that we don’t even take as anything.

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

In the hope to remind myself of all the many things i have going on for me,  i’ve come up with a list of 100 things i’m grateful for

The good health i always experience!!
Family that understands and accepts my excesses
Dreams that allow me to envision a better life
Friends that push me
Strangers that inspire me
Colors that add beauty
Social media that exposes me to the world at large
My good looks and body (if i do say so myself lol)
Fast wifi
Crispy Friend Chicken
Coldstone Ice cream in a waffle cone
A roof over my head
Love in all its forms
Great movies that move me
Great books that transport me to a different place and time
Clean drinking water
Daily bread
Hot water to bath
Coffee at all hours
My puppy called California
Sunshine and Rain
Healthy family members
My niece and nephew
The ability to write
The ability to learn from situations and move on
Humor (Yes i’m actually really funny)
The ability to wave my hands and dance like i just don’t care
The ability to not obsessively dwell over situations i can’t control
The ability to master ‘The Serenity Prayer’
The chance to make money from my passions
The fresh start i’m given every single day
Resolutions that allow me to start over again anytime i feel like i need it
Appliances that make my life easier – washing machine, rice cooker, deep fryer
Friends i can call at 2am to cry to
The people that have never given up on me (e.g. Sandy aka Hot Sexy Mama)
The people in my life that don’t judge me
The people in my life that know all parts of me and love me any way
Anyone that has ever fought for me
The people that taught me what does not kill me will make me stronger
The opportunity to travel and experience other culture
The ability to love truly and selflessly
The ability to still love despite being hurt
The ability to shape my future
The universe
Snapchat filters that make me glow!
The color Black
Strangers that smile at me when we walk past each other
People that compliment me and make me feel good about myself
The people who pray for me even when i don’t know
God’s love even when i don’t deserve it
The experiences i’m yet to have
The cool people i’m yet to meet
The great love of my life i’m yet to meet (that will stay through it all)
My Education
My past experiences
All the pain i’ve been through that has made me who i am
Hot bread
The calming of the beach
The doors that closed on opportunity i thought i needed but i really didn’t
Strangers i’ve had amazing connection with
My blind faith
Hearing good news
Giving good news to others
Being the reason others laugh/smile
The ability to give when i can
Serendipity (No; not the movie *side eye*)
Game of thrones
The breath in my lungs
My large heart
The word impossible for allowing us to fight to achieve what is deemed unachievable
The me from yesterday that i get to compete with today
The future me that i’m yet to know
The ability to change my life with one opportunity or decision
The ability to laugh even when i feel like crying
Sweet white wine with sweet people
The continued process of self discovery
The good examples that show me what to emulate
The bad examples that show me what paths to avoid
Conversations with my mum on days that i feel low
Golf with my mum
Seeing babies bursting out in laughter
Self acceptance
The ability to be my true self regardless of whatever situation i’m in
My future kids
Technology that allows me to connect with my loved ones
Somi that looks out for me from the other side
Random text messages that remind me that i’m special
People that have faith in who i have the potential to be
The stars and the moon on a breezy night
The ability to be grateful regardless of what life throws my way

Off the bare top of my head; these are 100 things that i’m grateful for.

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”  ― Epicurus

Gratitude is one of the most important aspects of life, if you look hard enough, there’s always something to be grateful for. I challenge you to write down at least 50 things you are grateful for. It’s refreshing to dig in and acknowledge things that make our lives easier. Better still, get a gratitude journal and write one thing/person/experience you were grateful for at the end of the day; that’s 365 things a year and even more if you’re up to the challenge.

What are you grateful for today? 

Love x Light


***Ms Nwando is a Guest Blogger, Follow her blog posts here


  1. I'm grateful for me and the gift of life

  2. I'm grateful for AC ooo this weather no be here

  3. Grateful to be alive and healthy ������������


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